1 sem yg pnuh dengan sumthing...
studio life is exciting in exhausted..
is fun in pressure..
work in game...
time was not we can control..
yet,we control our own timing..
timer getting faster...
situasi sekarang....
kt studio dr ptg td...
xtdo smpai esok kot...
bumbung bru naik..
sbb ak pnjam pc org nk wt kja so ak xleh tdo ikut jadual...
bla tuan pc tdo,ak pnjam wt kja..
bla dia dh bgun,ak cri tuan pc lain yg tgh tdo utk smbung wt kja..
xmalu sungguh...
sori ye kawan2..
den nk pnjam pc wt mdel ngan main pesbuk ja...
nk tgk ap ak wt smpai xtdo 2-3-4 ari??
ni ha...



tp xsiap lg pn...
tp puas ati la jgk tgk mnatang ni...
wlaupn mak jauh nk nk urut blkang,leher,tangan dan kaki yg skit2 ni...
YOSH!!!!!!...jom bgerak ke depan!!!!!!!...
lbih xbtul dr rya thun lpas rsanya...
breakfast ngan kuih raya..
lunch dgn kuih rya...
dinner dgn kuih rya..
latenite supper pn ngan kuih rya...
side dishes nasi...
duit rya bleh tahan sbb tiap2 thun dpt lbih dr adik2...
abg kn blajar jauh2..mst nk gna duit bnyk..lgpn yg kcik2 xbleh pgang duit bnyk sgt..nnt hilang..
pnya braya ngan fmily..sanak saudara..macik2...smpai xsempat nk pg umah kwan2...
sori ye kwan2 yg dekat2 kdah ni...
yg nk dtg umah pn kna wt appointment sbb xtentu ak ad kt umah o ikut mak braya..
ksian dorg..
nk duit...
duit dh abis..."
just simple of that...
tp nk mntak 200 utk sminggu kt parent..
ssh kot...
segan gila...
adik2 kt umah 2 pn nk duit jgk...
bil2 tepon,letrik,air nk byo jgk...
mkn2,brg2 dpur,tmbah2 tgh siap nk raya...
lg la bnyk duit nk gna kn??
sbo jelah...
mudah2an, rezeki smakin murah dr hari ke hari...
P/S : bleh ak bli D90 kn???..
DH 20 PN...
Selembut bayu meresap ke dalam jiwa
Betapa hatimu terharu
Menyambut anakmu kembali
Terbayang senyuman di wajah nan sepi
Pulangnya anakmu di pagi yang murni
Kasihmu seharum kasturi
Melambai anakmu kembali
( korus )
Dalam dakapan keheningan maya
Pertemuan yang menyentuh di jiwa
Sekian lamanya terpisah
Harapan kini menjadi nyata
Kiranya perpisahan terjadi lagi
Anakmu pergi mencurahkan bakti
Doamu teriring selalu
Semoga bertemu kembali
( ulang dari mula )
Pulanglah di hari raya
Begitulah harapan ayahanda
tp xpelah...
ad org ckp bnyk dugaan bnyk jodoh...
tp org la kta..
tp klu btul pn ap slhnya...
gatal ni...
lgu syahdu utk yg mmbca..
Pinjamkan sinarmu nur nilam sari
Buatku merempuhi malam
Kabus berlabuh bagaikan awan
Mengaburi penglihatan
Menyekat maksud di sempadan
Redup yang pasangkan angan
Sekadar berhasrat
Berlindung dalam lena
Pejamkan mata
Untuk kulupakan sengsara
Berapa kerdipa
Melaraskan jiwa
Menyusuk ke arah-asalku
Senyumanmu satu azimat
Buat diriku yang hina
Manusia terpinggir melara
Tak pernah kenal erti bahagia
Namun ku masih gembira
Bagiku rahmat semuanya
Kalau nasibku berbeza
Aku tak mampu menilaikan dikau
Aku berani
Berani aku
Katakan dirimu itu dewi kayangan
Peperangan yang melanda diriku kini
Sudah berakhir...oh...berakhir
Kepahitan dulu bertukar
menjadi sejarah
Dan kenangan manis
dh sparuh bulan dh abis...
tp tdo smpai ptg pn dh sparuh bln..
ad 1 ari2...
tdo yg sgt pnjang...
tdo2,tjga,pas2 tdo blik pas2 tjga plak..
tp yg peliknya, tiap2 kli tdo plak 2 mst mmpi bru..
mksud ak,mla2 tdo mmpi 1 cta..then tjga sbb mmpi dh abis kot..
pas2 smbung tdo,mmpi lain plak...pas2 tjga lg sbb mmpi dh abis..
yg bertmbah plik 2,lpas tdo plak lpas tjga 2 mmpi lain plak..
bnyk btul mmpi ak...
slalu tdo mlm jrg sgt plak nk mmpi..
ni suma mmpi dlm 1...
nsb baik dh xigt mmpi ap...
klu x pnjang lg la ak nk bleter...
2 ja...
nk smbung tdo...

tp update jelah..
kang berhabuk plak blog ni xd org gna..
bulan puasa..
1 ja mslah kot..
tdo yg sgt2 xmenentu..
slalunya lpas trwih tdo smpai 12-1 pg..
pas2 jaga smpai terawih esknya klu larat..
klu xlarat,ptg 2 pn dh tergolek tmankn c.stong..
gila btul..
pas2 tdo yg mrapu ni dh buat kpla ak sakit2..
dan blakang ak pn skit gak..
xtau la sbb ap..
kdg2 kejang trus blakang ni...adeh2..
nk balik KEDAH!!!!!!...
sawah2 padi memanggil dlm sayup2 angin kt utm nih..

1) Beside ur lips, where is the favourite spot to get kissed?
nk my mum hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2)How did u feel when u woke up this morning?
aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh....pnat lg..ponteng wt wakaf lg..
3) Who was the last person/people you took photo with?
ngan dak kcik kot..
4) Would you consider urself spoiled?
xsgt kot..
6) Do you want someone to be dead?
terpkir jgk kdg2..tp mcm xbaik plak..
7) What does your last text message say?
psal bear2 ngan k.imh..
8) What are you thinking right now?
camna nk tpuk kpla si bear2 2..
9) Do you want someone to be with you right now?
xkot..dia ad qz..so redo ja.. =)
10) What was the time you went to bed last night?
11) Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?
bju pree..hehehehe..
12) Is someone on your mind right now?
13) Who was the last person who text you?
beby dragon..
14) TEN lucky person to do this quiz.
ak mlas nk tag2 org lain..i mean,mlas,very2 mlas...camni la..org2 2ak tag dlm mind ak jelah ea..bijak btul..
my mom..relationship with my dad...
2) Is no. 3 a male or a female?
3) If no. 7 and no.1 get together, would it be a good?
errrrr...ak dh konfius no 7 ngan 1 lki ke pmpuan..
4) What is no.1 studying about?
5) When was the last time you chatted with them?
2-3 ari lpas kot..
6) Is no. 4 single?
7) Say something about no. 6
dak studio yg baik..
8) What do you think about no. 3 & no.5 being together?
once agian i confius they girl or boy..
9) Describe no.9
beby dragon yg ska pikat ak...
10) Do you like no. 8?
spe ntah ni??
11) How about no. 10?
ntah la...mcm ad 9org ja..no 10 xd..
studio ni smakin pnas bla ari smakin pagi...xlogik btul..
2.Upload foto kegemaran anda
ad..bnyk..sja xnk upload..too cute 4 u 2 c...heh..
sbb sgt2 terpikat
4.Bila kali terakhir anda makan PIZZA?
mggu lpas..lpas celebret our gudjob organizing event yg best
5.Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar
lgu blog ac..mlas ak nk cri button stop
6.Apa yang anda buat selain daripada menyelesaikan tag ni?
ym ngan mmber metrik
7.Selain daripada nama sendiri anda suka dipanggil dengan nama apa?
uncle.. =)
8.Tag lagi 6 orang
klu xnk tag org bleh??..mlas..hahahaha..
9.Siapa no 1 bagi anda?
mak ak..sbb pndai jga ak time demam
10.Orang no3 ada hubungan dengan siapa?
spe ni??..xknal pn..
11.Kata sesuatu berkenaan dengan no 5
ooooo....org yg ditag ea??..ok2..ak xknal lgsung ngan org no 5 2..
pn xde spe..
13.Siapa orang no 2?
adeh..kn mmg xd org 2..
14.Bagi pesanan kepada orang no 6
sng2 komen la kt blog ak..
bebaek ngan org kdg2 org xbebaek ngan kta...
nsib bdan la...
we doing nicely we could but in the end...
its a crap...
nk update cte ap lg ni?..
ak dh xtau...
mkin mlas plak nk update...
tp ak tgk konvo...
rmai gak...
tp xde feeling lgsung time sbuk2 dorg amik gbo...
mgkin sbb ak grad lmbat sgt2 lg kot...
tp xpelah...
hopefully this path is mine...
convo..here i come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..

bising btul...
jerit sna sni...
skit2 jerit..
gila ni..
komplen org 2..
komplen org ni..
nk tgur pn pn tgur la baik2..
ni smbil2 tgur kuar plak fuck u sna,fuck u sni..
amende nk tgur org cam2??..
xpsal2 kne hempuk..
wt 2 xelok,wt ni xelok..
klu org wt xelok pn at least xla dia mncarut sna sni..
kn dh mgumpat..
xberpekdah pnya org..
beliau tlh bnyk brjasa terhadap diri ini sjak kcil...
wlaupn bkn bpa kndung, jasa beliau yg mengasuh ak sjak kcil sgt2 dihargai..
nasihat2, tguran2, tnjuk ajar bnyk mmbantu ak mmbesar..
allah temukan ak dgn insan sepertinya...
takziah utk mereka sekeluarga yg kehilangannya...

arini nk berceloteh psal..
psal instinct..
btul ntah ak eja 2...
blasah ja...
instinct o naluri..
ad byk spisisnya...
naluri ibu...
naluri seorg ayah...
naluri teman..
naluri abang, kakak, mcik..
naluri gajah ngan harimau pn ad..
klu xcaya p tgk national geography..
sblm cheetah 2 kjar antilop(ahahaha) mst dia ckp cheetah instinct will force tghe body 2 stop if the body temperature overload...
sumthing like that la..
ak ckp btul ni...
jgn igt ak main2 plak psl citah 2...
jgn emo dlu..
smbung blik..
xtau la..
smlm tba2 ja mcm xsdap ati...
xtau la knp...
mkn xckup,ok ja ak mkn...
xmndi pg,ak mndi PAGI dan MLM ok..ptg klu smpat ja..
cis.. lari tjuk lg... cis2... ok.. lpas emo.. ap lg... mari tenangkn fikiran kt studio yg bising-bisung ni... then... lp[as dh tgh mlm btu ok skit.. waaaaa.... lega2... -----foward---->>> td.. lpas antar adik cumil... bru tau sbb ap ak mcm blur ja smlm.. mcm ad kaitan antar blur ngan smlm.. hmmmm... instinct ke kebetulan???

war for 123 pelham free ticket + popcorn(L) + softdrink(L)
di terbangkn orang2..dan ak dh blur sbb org ni dh mati...
1896 pn dh kiok..
tp sbb treat yg best dr kak alice..
try my best!!!!...
ptg td g bli stok mkanan 4 adk kcik pnya mmber..
ad jgk stok ak..
ad jgk stok adk kcik..
dr biskut tin..
dan kfc..
gbo2 bru lg..
sgt best...
tdo lena mlm ni wlaupn lmbat skit kot..

td pg dealer DELL kt meranti..
bajet bleh la dgn ska ati bermesra smula dgn lptop dlm smggu dua lg..
lpas test..
adik..ni rosak board ni..bkn lcd..dlm 1000 jgk ni..
**terkesima,terkedu,tersimpul,ter bnyk lg la lpas dgr cam2..
mau xnya..
mna ak nk cri smpai sribu nk repair..
jpa pn xkompom..
ptptipu pn xckup..
nk ja amik pc kt umah..
tp ntah la..
kna upgrade jgk..
abis ak..
td ad meeting skit...
psal mlm silaturrahim kt cfe KRP..
lmbt jgk ak smpai...
dak2 2 dh stat pn..
dlm AJK2 2,mostly Chinese yg rmai...
kre majoriti la...
mlayu ad dlm 4org kot..
then tgh2 bncang...
azan isya' berkumandang...
tp ak ngan pgrah proj bru stat bncang...
n guest what...
she ask me if i can talk..
terkedu seketika...
xpernah ak rsa dihormati sbgini rupa as a muslim..
sdgkn ngan kwn2 sniri pn kmi borak jgk..
tp xla gelak smpai golek2..
borak2 jelah..
ak bknnya baik mna sgt pn...
ak mgaku..
back 2 tpic..
lpas dia tnya bleh ckp x,ak snyum jelah kt amoi 2..
pas2 dia snyum dan ckp,xpe kjap lg smbung,sorry..
siap sorry lg kot kt ak..
lpas abis 2 ktorg smbung blik bncang..
n bla3...
xyah la tau ap detail yg ktorg bncang...
just keypoint kt sni..
she very2 sensitive about the environment..
u got my respect fei fei..
esk ak nk blik..
mcm best..
nk mmbebankn otak..mgabihkn duit..mlompat sna sni..
tp tba2 mcm xbest plak bla last dinner ngan ibu ngan ayah ngan adik td..
pas2 tingat plak kt ank kucin 2ekor 2..
tp smlm la dinner yg ak feeling skali spnjang blik cuti mkn free kt umah..
lpas ni mkn msakan mcik cfe plak la..
n megi yg brbagai2 jnis,rasa dan kaler..
asl la nk sdih2 plak ni..
xmaco la awek tgk..
tp mmg sdih kot..
klu bleh blik umah sbulan skali ok gak..
ni 1sem skali ja blik..ap kes ak xleh sdey..
dugaan btul...
kna kawin awl ni..
ad gak org nk tgk2kn ak..
nk tdokn ak..nk msk kt ak..
ewah,mcm pnjang sgt la plak berangan...
lntak la labu..
jnji ko bhgia..
psal esk..
naik bas g ipoh dlu pkul 9pg..
then mmber amik blik jhor naik keta..
wohoho balik kampung..
wohoho balik kampung..
hati girang!!!!!!...
slmat jln kdah..
doakn ak slamat smuanya ya..
kdg2 trpkir jgk..
bnyk kli jgk la ak tgur org..
wt 2 xbleh..
wt ni xbleh..
wt camni xelok..
len kli wt cm ni..
tp elok sgt ke ak ni??
jrg ja ad org nk tgur(dikecualikn lect2 studio,sbb tiap2 kli present mst ad ja yg ditgur)..
nk kta ak ni baik,baik la sgt..
dh nma pn lelaki..
bla dh xda org tgur,rsa mcm ap ak wt suma btul..
tp btul sgt ke??.
ntah la..
kdg2 nk tgur pn serba slh..
japg di sound plak..
ak bkn bapak, abg, kazen mahupn lki dorg..
xpn-"ni asyik tgur ja org ja..dri sniri 2???"
tp mcmna ak nk tgk dri sniri klu org 2 yg xjd cermin ak..
crmin sniri xley pkai..
sbb tkut crmin cap snow & white ni asyik bgtau tuan dia ja yg cun,tuan dia ja btul..
sbb 2 cermin org sumtime diperlukn jgk..
kpd yg dtgur,jgn la amik ati..
cma nk mmperbetulkn sesuatu spya lbih btul lain kli..
n hpefully stiap tguran 2 ikhlas beb..
ni skali tgur kna byr 5rggit, mati kering la ak..
ak xbaik..
tp msa ak baik,bleh than la..
(mnulis msa xbpa nk baik sbb prasan skit kt c2)
let seee...
nk ke dia jmpa ak nih??..
esemen pn xantar..
pointer trun plak...
studio lg..
subjek 3kredit smpai 2..
klas kompom bz..
aktviti lg..
bru stat 2nd year..
ad lg 3thun lg kt sni...
xkn dh tkut kot..
klej dkat2...
seru la nmaku kt pgetua msg2...
jauh kot ak nk usung brg2 studio..
pg balik klas-studio-blik..

see what i got for u guys and especially girls..
No such thing as "deleted" on the Internet
It's always fun to write about research that you can actually try out for yourself.
Try this: Take a photo and upload it to Facebook, then after a day or so, note what the URL to the picture is (the actual photo, not the page on which the photo resides), and then delete it. Come back a month later and see if the link works. Chances are: It will.
Facebook isn't alone here. Researchers at Cambridge University (so you know this is legit, people!) have found that nearly half of the social networking sites don't immediately delete pictures when a user requests they be removed. In general, photo-centric websites like Flickr were found to be better at quickly removing deleted photos upon request.
Why do "deleted" photos stick around so long? The problem relates to the way data is stored on large websites: While your personal computer only keeps one copy of a file, large-scale services like Facebook rely on what are called content delivery networks to manage data and distribution. It's acomplex system wherein data is copied to multiple intermediate devices, usually to speed up access to files when millions of people are trying to access the service simultaneously. (Yahoo! Tech is served by dozens of servers, for example.) But because changes aren't reflected across theCDN immediately, ghost copies of files tend to linger for days or weeks.
In the case of Facebook, the company says data may hang around until the URL in question is reused, which is usually "after a short period of time." Though obviously that time can vary considerably.
Of course, once a photo escapes from the walled garden of a social network like Facebook, the chances of deleting it permanently fall even further.Google's caching system is remarkably efficient at archiving copies of web content, long after it's removed from the web. Anyone who's ever usedGoogle Image Search can likely tell you a story about clicking on a thumbnail image, only to find that the image has been deleted from the website in question -- yet the thumbnail remains on Google for months. And then there are services like the Wayback Machine, which copy entire websites for posterity, archiving data and pictures forever.
The lesson: Those drunken party photos you don't want people to see? Simply don't upload them to the web, ever, because trying to delete them after you sober up is a tough proposition.
think agian..
after all time i been tru..
i still blur inside this house...
tp lpas ni klej jauh sgt dr fkulti..
lg dem kot..
pnat ak lpas ni nk trkejar2 k17 ke FAB..
but mission is still on planning phase..
soon from now and hopefully its all go well enough..
siyes sejuk blik smlm..
9jam kot ats bas..
skali ja brenti..
gila penat..
boring jgk..
nk tdo pn xsdap sbb asyik trjaga ja..
stengah jam tdo,tjga..
stengah jam tdo tjaga..
nk msg pn xda or..
suma dh tdo..
tp ad la jgk sorg-dua..
brtolak dlm pkul 12tgh mlm..smpai sP dlm pkul 9pg kot..
lbih2 krg la..
ak pn dh xigt..
smpai2 umah ak dismbut ngan ank2 kucin..
tp xsempat msuk umah sbb kwn yg blik ngan ak trsilap bas..
adeh bengong la dak kaunter 2.
mntak tket a.star dia bg tket sp..
nsb baik smpat..
klu x,abis dh kwn ak kna sludup ngan drebar 2..
lpas antar dia blik p stesen bas,ap lg..
blik umah la.. xreti2 lg??..
blik umah dh xtau nk buat ap,nk men game..muak..
nk mkn xda mknan la plak..
nk mrempit,ak anak baik plak..aish!!!!!!.
lepak ja dlm umah..
smpai la ke petang..
bgun mkn..
slpas 4bln kot xmkn ibu msk..hahahaa..
xpa,adat org perantauan mnuntut ilmu..
wlaupn lauk biasa ja..
jd la dr mkn lauk sma ja kt mranti 2..
mlm ak main ja ngan kucin2 kecik 2..
tergedik2 ank2 kucin 2 main daun..
tp yg pasti,ak ad misi cuti ni..
misi mncari DUIT!!!!!!!!..
smada wt proj..
@ tlg mak ak jual gelang..
@ tlg kazen ak jual brang..
mntak2 ad la rezeki skit nk wt duit mkn sem dpn..
dedicated utk org yg myusahkn org lain..(including me of course..=P )
di terbangkn orang2..I'm sick of feeling my soul
To people who'll never know
Just how purposeless and empty they've grown
Because the language confuses
like computers refuse to understand how I'm feeling today
I'm freezing and losing my way
I don't need another map of your head
I'm freezing and losing my way
I don't need another map of your head
I saw a liquid control
That gives life to a soul
I hit my head on it and woke up to know
That I was all alone
Wearing just socks and a phone
Someone's screaming like their world might explode
Yeah I'm freezing and losing my way
I don't need another map of your head
I'm freezing and losing my way
I don't want another map of your head
Freezing and losing my way
I don't want another map of your head
I'm freezing and losing my way
I don't need another map of your head